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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Unhide all sheets thro Macro

You would have noticed that we cannot select all the worksheets from the Unhide options. This becomes tougher when we have unhide multiple sheets. We have to choose each sheet and then unhide them. Easiest way to unhide all the sheets is to use following VBA code:
'-------VBA Code---------------
Sub Unhide()
'Unhide all sheets macro by Saalim
Dim wkst As Worksheet
For Each wkst In Worksheets
wkst.Visible = xlSheetVisible
Next wkst
End Sub
'------------Code End----------------
This way we can save a lot of time on manually unhiding the sheets.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Web Query

Most of the people wonder if they can download a web page to Excel worksheet. It is absolutely possible with a web query. Here are the steps to do that:
1. Data >> Import External Data >> New Web Query.
2. In the resultant window input the webpage address from which you want to update the rate and click go.
3. Once the page is loaded, Check the fields (having green arrow marks) that contain the rates and click import.
4. The data is now imported into excel.
5. Now all you have to do is refresh this query. To do this right click the area where the data has been imported and you have various options including refresh. (I usually prefer to have a macro for this...)
6. There are other settings which you can access by right clicking the data area and selecting 'Data Range Properties'.


Default No. of Worksheets

Do you know that we can change the default no. of worksheets in a new workbook from to any numbers?

To do this:
1. Go to Tools
2. Select Options
3. Go to General Tab
4. Here you can specify the no. of sheets for a new workbook. (default should be 3)

Hope this helps!!


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Change in my blog contents

I have decided to upload some useful stuffs and will try to share my knowledge on MS Excel from now onwards..... :-)