Hi folks,
Below is the sample code written to pull data from MS Access database.
Option Explicit
Public Const sPASSWORD = "" 'Your DB Password here
Public Const sDBPath = "\Drive\DBPath" 'Your DB Path here
'I wrote this code to pull data from MS Access and to show up in a sheet called "Import Data"
'The code pulls data only for a particular week selected. Modify the query as per the requirement
'Some of the lines will be irrelevant but I still have them as I was testing the code with many options.
Sub importData()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
'New variables
Dim lRowCounter As Long 'Count rows to populate worksheet from query
Dim lastCell As Object
Dim endrow As Integer
Dim Ws As Worksheet
Dim i As Variant
Dim sWeek As String
'Turn off auto calculation to run the code faster
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
sWeek = Sheets("Admin").Range("K2").Value
'Clear column data
Set Ws = Sheets("ImportData")
Set lastCell = Columns("A").Find("")
endrow = lastCell.Row
Range("A1:P" & endrow).Select
Range("A1").Select 'Set active cell
lRowCounter = 1
'Connect to DB
'DB exist
Set db = DBEngine.OpenDatabase(sDBPath, False, True, ";pwd=" & sPASSWORD)
'Set QueryDef = db.QueryDefs("qryReport")
'Set rs = QueryDef.OpenRecordset()
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT tblUtilization.DATE_D, tblEmpDetails.E_NAME_T, tblUtilization.UNITS_N, tblUtilization.TIME_N, tblUtilization.ACCURACY_N, tblUtilization.ONTIME_N, tblUtilization.REMARKS_T, tblReports.TRANS_T, tblDate.Week_T, tblDate.Month_T FROM ((tblUtilization INNER JOIN tblEmpDetails ON tblUtilization.E_LANID_T = tblEmpDetails.E_LANID_T) INNER JOIN tblReports ON tblUtilization.REPORT_T = tblReports.REPORT_T) INNER JOIN tblDate ON tblUtilization.DATE_D = tblDate.Date_D WHERE (((tblDate.Week_T)=""" & sWeek & """))")
'This loop will collect the field names and place them in the first
'row starting at "A1."
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
Ws.Cells(1, i + 1).Value = rs.Fields(i).Name
'This line simply sets the font to bold for the headers.
Ws.Range(Ws.Cells(1, 1), Ws.Cells(1, rs.Fields.Count)).Font.Bold _
= True
'The next line will get the data from the recordset and copy it
'into the Worksheet (Sheet1).
Ws.Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rs
'This next code set will just select the data region and auto-fit
'the columns
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub
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